Advanced Sorting
With Prisma, it is possible to return lists of elements that are sorted (ordered) according to specific criteria.
For example, you can order the list of Link
s alphabetically by their url
or description
For the Hacker News API, you'll leave it up to the client to decide how exactly it should be sorted and thus
include all the ordering options from the Prisma API in the API of your GraphQL server. You can do so by creating
an input
(opens in a new tab) type and an enum to represent the ordering options.
Add the following enum definition to your GraphQL schema:
input LinkOrderByInput {
description: Sort
url: Sort
createdAt: Sort
enum Sort {
This represents the various ways that the list of Link
elements can be sorted (asc
= ascending, desc
= descending).
Now, adjust the Query.feed
field SDL again to include the orderBy
type Query {
info: String!
filterNeedle: String
skip: Int
take: Int
orderBy: LinkOrderByInput
): [Link!]!
me: User!
The implementation of the resolver is similar to what you just did with the pagination API.
Update the implementation of the feed
resolver, change the imports and pass the orderBy
argument along to Prisma:
import { Link, User, Prisma } from '@prisma/client'
const resolvers = {
// ... other resolvers ...
Query: {
// ... other resolvers ...
parent: unknown,
args: {
filter?: string
skip?: number
take?: number
orderBy?: {
description?: Prisma.SortOrder
url?: Prisma.SortOrder
createdAt?: Prisma.SortOrder
context: GraphQLContext
) {
const where = args.filter
? {
OR: [
{ description: { contains: args.filter } },
{ url: { contains: args.filter } }
: {}
skip: args.skip,
take: args.take,
orderBy: args.orderBy
Awesome! Here's a query that sorts the returned links by their creation dates:
query {
feed(orderBy: { createdAt: asc }) {